
Silver Center Pendants - 10 to Choose From


We've wired up some of our favorite and most popular pendants as central charm ideas! For now we're just offering these in Sterling Silver. 

Sry Yantra -  a mystical diagram believed to bring wealth, prosperity, health, peace, and harmony.

Nebra Sky Disc - the oldest concrete depiction of astronomical phenomena known from anywhere in the world

Mantra - Om Mani Padme Hum - "Hail the Jewel of the Lotus" and means The Sound That Strengthens Compassion in All Enlightened Beings.

Carved Medallion - this is my own Mandala design that I carved 10 years ago, this piece is reversible

The Moon Tarot Card - The moon's light can bring clarity & understanding, let your intuition guide you through darkness. 

Athena Owl - Athena is the Greek Goddess of war, wisdom, courage, justice, strength, strategy, and the arts. The owl has traditionally been associated with Athena and with wisdom because of its ability to see in the dark... where others may not be able to see.

Seed of Life - Since ancient times, this symbol has been used by various civilizations and is found in many places all over the world. It's based on the concept that life is a divine creation. 

Fern Fossil - capturing the wild outdoors, ferns have many symbolic meanings, including new beginnings, growth and protection. They are also associated with magic, healing, and good luck.

Dandelionsymbolize hope, resilience, and healing. They can also represent freedom, change, and overcoming adversity. 

Monstera - Monstera leaves have many symbolic meanings, including abundance, prosperity, longevity and growth.

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