
Roman Glass Taliswoman Earrings


These Roman glass earrings have a past life that began as a household object made by a skilled artisan centuries ago... They have now been transformed by nature over the centuries and made into a new work of art... unique for you!

A beautiful pair of ancient Roman Glass pieces are suspended from our brass bails with Sterling Silver wire wraps and Sterling Silver Earwires! This combo of the brass and deep teals and blues and greens looks so great together!

Roman Glass:

Roman glass is the result of a stunning piece of historic craftsmanship dating back 2,700 years to the time of the Roman Empire. Before then, glass was available only to the wealthy and was manufactured by core forming, casting, cutting and grinding. With the invention of the glass blowing around 50 BC, glass instantly became available to the less wealthy public. The Roman glass industry rapidly developed over a couple of generations during the first half of the first century A.D. Glass vessels became commonplace throughout the empire and were exported to places as far away as Scandinavia and the Far East. The people of the Roman Empire used more glass than any other ancient civilization.

The same sands used to make the glass helped preserve it through the centuries, shaping and molding it into the beautiful pieces excavated today. Two thousand years of burial in minerals and soil combined with wind and weather has resulted in pigmented deposits on the surface of the glass. Through oxidation, the pigment has developed into beautiful patinas of blues and greens, although other rarer colors can still be found. 

Roman Glass pieces are 1/2" wide x 1/2" tall. The total height from the top of the brass bail to the bottom of the roman glass is just over 1 1/4". Each stone varies slightly of course, so the ones you receive may differ slightly from the ones pictured here, but as they have all been sourced from the same batch they will certainly be very close in size, shape and coloring!

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