Gemini Season!

"From May 20th to June 20th, attention spans shorten and fascinations multiply. This curious air sign prefers to be on the move and to understand life from as many angles as possible." We have Constellation pendants and Zodiac sign pendants and Earrings for your favorite Gemini! I can make any sign's unique constellation for you!
I hammer each Constellation pendant by hand and I love this meditative process! We have them in brass or Sterling Silver. We could always make some into a pair of simple earrings or add them to the center of a small or medium hoop!
We also offer tiny Gemini signs in brass, Sterling Silver or Gold. We use the silver ones with thicker chain for bracelets and anklets (see above, left). We have a few of each of the signs, but only 1 or 2 in Gold.
We make them into earrings too, in Sterling or Brass...or Gold (not pictured) but available by request. We could always add hoops around these in any size, in brass or silver! Just send us a message!
Stones for Gemini Season include Emerald, Tiger's Eye, Moonstone and Citrine. Click on each of those to see our current selections!
I’m so proud of you for doing it. I know how hard it is and I know how hard it is to stick with it to completion. When I met you, you seemed afraid of everything. I used to think you were just kidding half the time but you actually were. And over the years, you have moved so fully into your sense of agency and power - while still maintaining your genuine sense of kindness and wonder and delight. I heard your voice in every sentence. I could hear you laugh sometimes. And it was so wild to have been part of this ride with you and to then read it back, with a more intimate lens. You are a wonder, my friend.
New moon next weekend and I think I’ll take this opportunity to begin my own lunar cycle, inspired (as I’ve been so frequently since we’ve met) by you. Cheers, Jen. You wrote a mother f*cking BOOK!!!!"